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Tradice foukání skla

Česká ruční výroba skla se zařadila na seznam UNESCO

Česká ruční výroba skla se stala součástí seznamu UNESCO

Ocenění za design osvětlení Řemeslo & tradice osvětlení 3 min. reading

Řemeslná zručnost a dědictví společnosti Preciosa Lighting září dál!

Zapsání ruční výroby skla na seznam UNESCO představuje především poctu a uznání. Ukazuje na prestiž i kvalitu sklářského umění a slouží jako záruka jeho ochrany a podpory do budoucnosti.

We’re thrilled to be a part of keeping the tradition of Czech handmade glass making burning brightly.

UNESCO defines intangible cultural heritage as a practice that is traditional, contemporary, and living. 


A lustrous achievement

In the spotlight of UNESCO's prestigious list, Czech handmade glass production rightfully takes its place among the world's cultural gems. For Preciosa Lighting, this recognition is a testament to our commitment to preserving and evolving a craft that has defined who we are and what we do for over 300 years. The glow of this achievement is shared with our artisans and cherished by everyone at Preciosa Lighting.

The Lightkeepers behind the craft

Meet the heart and soul of our bright legacy—our Lightkeepers. These artisans, including the talented Vašek and others, embody the fusion of tradition and innovation.

Their dedication, skills, and passion breathe life into each piece, creating a symphony of light that resonates through the soul of Preciosa Lighting.

Our commitment to brilliance

Our commitment extends beyond the present, echoing the footsteps of the artisans who came before us. At Preciosa Lighting, we pledge to continue illuminating spaces with the brilliance of handmade glass production. Innovation, collaboration, and a profound respect for our heritage guide us as we look to the future with excitement and dedication.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the artisans and craftsmen who have shaped the legacy of Preciosa Lighting. This recognition is not just about light; it's about the enduring beauty of Czech handmade glass production. Join us as we celebrate the art, the artisans, and the timeless elegance that defines the luminous world of Preciosa Lighting.

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